Gay Men’s Chorus of Charlotte, Holiday ‘23

Women’s Chorus of Charlotte, November ‘23


Join the chorus!!

Everything you’ll want to know about singing and volunteering with GMCC or WCC … and then some!

Audition appointments are available:

For the Women’s Spring Semester 2025:

6 PM - 9:30 PM | Tue, April 1st, 2025

6 PM - 9:30 PM | Thurs, April 3rd, 2025

10 AM - 3 PM | Sat, April 5th, 2025

For the Gay Men’s Summer Semester 2025:

6 PM - 9:30 PM | Mon, May 5th, 2025

10 AM - 4 PM | Sat, May 10th, 2025

Interested in auditioning? Send an email to or fill out the form to the right!

Rehearsals for the Gay Men’s Chorus of Charlotte are

Mondays from 7:00 - 9:30 PM

Rehearsals for the Women’s Chorus of Charlotte are

Tuesdays from 7:00 - 9:30 PM

ALL rehearsals for both groups are held at:

Galilee Center
3601 Central Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28205


“Audition”? WHOA … that sounds scary!

Don’t let it scare you! It’s simply a way for us to evaluate your skill level and vocal range.

After you audition, you will be assigned to the section that is appropriate to your vocal range.

The sections of GMCC are as follows, from highest vocal part to lowest:

  • First Tenor

  • Second Tenor

  • Baritone

  • Bass

The sections of WCC are as follows, from highest vocal part to lowest:

  • First Soprano

  • Second Soprano

  • First Alto

  • Second Alto

I’m not sure I can sing any more. I haven’t sung since high school/with a group ever.

As our Director is fond of saying, “No one ever learned to drive by sitting in a parked car.” The only way you get better at singing is to sing.

I don’t read music very well, or maybe not at all.

To help you with your part, we have part-specific recordings prepared professionally. These are especially important to the singers of the chorus who don’t read music or don’t read it well.

Do I have to be gay? Do I have to be a man TO SING IN THE GAY MEN’S CHORUS?

It’s a fact that not everyone is born gay, but we understand the desire to be around men who are witty, charming, talented, and fun. We welcome folks of all sexual orientations and genders – you just have to support the mission of our organization; sing tenor, baritone, or bass; and fit in with the broad on-stage dress code.

In the Women’s Chorus, we also welcome all sexual orientations and genders - you just have to support the mission of the organization, sing soprano or alto and fit in with the broad on-stage dress code.

I’d love to help, but I’m not interested in singing.

GMCC and WCC also have a non-singing support section, for those who do not wish to sing, but are interested in being a part of the chorus family. Members of this prestigious section help the chorus at rehearsals and shows, distribute music and literature, arrange ushers, help sell our merchandise and assist in many different ways.

What is my time commitment / attendance expectations?

All members should to attend the weekly full chorus rehearsal on either Monday (GMCC) or Tuesday (WCC) nights. Each section holds a rehearsal or two per concert in addition to the weekly rehearsals. These are called sectional rehearsals and occur on other evenings or weekends. Although they are not mandatory, they are valuable, particularly if you do not read music or if you miss any regular rehearsals.

The goal is simple: get everyone on stage knowing the music so they can really enjoy the performance and being the center of attention.

Since COVID, we’ve learned a thing or two about virtual rehearsals. While they’re a poor substitute for the real thing, if you’re sick or traveling, you can attend rehearsal through Zoom.

What is THE attendance policy?

Rehearsals are about more than learning the notes. You need to get comfortable singing with the others around you (and they with you), learn to communicate with the Director, and become fluent with whatever movement is associated with a song.

Our attendance policy is designed to get you on stage, confident, and ready to perform and have fun. Each concert has a rehearsal period consisting of approximately 12 rehearsals. Chorus members should attend all rehearsals; however, we realize that conflicts and other commitments will arise. If you are sick or traveling or otherwise unable to attend in person, all our rehearsals are broadcast on Zoom. We ask that members try not to miss more than 3 rehearsals per semester.

We routinely offer retreats, sectional rehearsals, and make up rehearsals.

What are the costs associated with being in GMCC?

All chorus members are asked to make a contribution of $65 per musical semester. Singer contributions can be paid per month, per concert semester (there are three semesters), or for the entire year at once. These contributions go directly to help pay for the items which singers use directly as a part of rehearsal: printed music, the production of part-specific rehearsal recordings, the rehearsal space itself, and the accompanist.

The Chorus has twice-a-year weekend retreats with nationally – and internationally! – recognized choral conductors. These experiences have helped build GMCC and WCC into formidable artistic forces. Not only are they valuable, they’re great fun!

Members may also have the opportunity to purchase other items such as sweatshirts, T-shirts, recordings and other merchandise, as well as certain travel expenses for large trips including tours and festivals.

Is there help available if I can’t afford the dues or my own performance outfit?

Yes! There are several options available to those whose financial circumstances don’t permit them to pay dues. We are committed to making sure that money will NEVER be the reason you don’t sing!

If you need financial assistance, the Membership Coordinator will be happy to discuss your needs with you. All financial discussions are strictly confidential.

How often do The groups perform?

GMCC traditionally does a holiday show each December, and a Pride themed show each August. WCC does a fall concert in November and a spring concert in June and BOTH groups perform once concert together each March. Most of our shows have 2-3 performances. We also do many community outreach performances throughout the year. Most of these outreach performances are performed by our small ensembles, 7th Son, Vox Dominae and Spite & Malice, but the full choruses also do one or two per year as well.

What kind of music does the chorus perform?

We pride ourselves on doing a wide variety of music throughout the year. Our repertoire covers everything from classical and holiday music, to ballads and barbershop, all the way through Broadway and pride music. If you’re interested, click on ABOUT US then VIDEOS to hear some of what we’ve done in the past. 

What about solos and duets?

Every concert is filled with opportunities to perform solos or in small ensembles. And we have 3 permanent small ensembles within our organization. 7th Son is comprised of a small auditioned group of GMCC members, Vox Dominae is a small auditioned ensemble of WCC members, and together when both small ensembles are needed, they comprise our third ensemble - an SATB group called Spite & Malice. From time-to-time the ensembles have openings for new singers from within the main ensembles. Auditions are held for openings as they occur.

How will the choruses communicate with me?

GMCC and WCC singers rely on a free app called Slack (available in your app store) and Chorus Connection. This is the primary information resource utilized by the chorus. Members find this information as an excellent first-point of reference.

A chorus membership roster is produced each concert so members can contact each other as needed. The information in the roster is to be used for chorus-related purposes only and is not to be distributed.

I have more questions! where can I get more information?

E-mail us at or fill out the form on this page for more information, or call the Managing Artistic Director, John Quillin, at 704.549.9202